Friday, December 9, 2011

Saint Juan Diego

Saint Juan Diego was an Indian who converted to Christianity back in the late 1400s. He had been converted by the Spaniards who had brought the Faith over from their country. When the Spaniards began to abuse the Indians, the Indians despaired because their treatment was contrary to their teachings. Juan Diego was saddened by the Spaniards' behavior, yet never lost his faith in God and remained humble and holy. As he was on his way to Mass one morning, he heard a sweet voice calling to him. When he followed the noise to where it was coming from, he saw standing before him the most beautiful Lady he had ever beheld. As we know, this was Our Lady coming to him, to tell him that he was to spread the message to the Indians that no matter what, She would always love them and care for them. Saint Juan Diego died in 1548.

Feast Day: December 9

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